
The List

I have 10 years to complete these 50 Goals.

  1. Run a marathon--Revised to lose 30 lbs so I can run a half marathon again. This is going to be harder than you think. Check, but I'll need to do it again
  2. Go to Disney World with my kids
  3. Go to Scotland or Ireland--May 2018, best trip ever!
  4. Publish Eleena's story--2019 CHECK
  5. Publish the rest of Talia's story--3 novels and 1 novella (Book 2--8/2016)
  6. Visit the Sequoia National Forest
  7. Make a will--May 2018 before our trip to Ireland
  8. Donate blood at least once a year 8/2014, 2/2015, 4/2015, 6/2015, 9/2015, 4/2016, 9/2016, 2/2017 9/2017, 9/2018, 12/2018, 9/2019, 3/2020, 5/2020, 9/2020, 1/2021, 3/2021, 6/2021, 8/2021, 12/2021 
  9. Go to Yellowstone--September 2020
  10. Write a letter to all the people who have made a difference in my life
  11. 30 days of Random Acts of Kindness (big ones, like pay for someone's dinner, or grocery bill)
  12. Set up a formal dining room--CHECK
  13. Finish remodeling my home (living room, kitchen--check)
  14. Make the front landscaping awesome
  15. Get Fade Into Me Published--CHECK
  16. Write and publish Last Christmas
  17. Take ballroom dance lessons--I took two back in 2015 before my hubby said never again. Does that count?
  18. Enter a ballroom dance competition with my hubby
  19. Take a hot air balloon ride
  20. Visit volcanoes in Hawaii (we're going to hike up Mt. Vesuvius May 2022 instead)
  21. Visit the Grand Canyon--Jan 2020
  22. Walk the Inca trail at Macchu Picchu
  23. Return to the Smokeys with my hubby--just the two of us since this is where we honeymooned
  24. Write and Publish the unnamed Contemporary YA (Addie's Song)
  25. Purchase bedroom furniture--2017
  26. Become comfortable with some level of marketing--Check
  27. Have my author webpage professionally designed--It looks pretty good now without having paid anyone, so I'm saying CHECK
  28. Learn how to design and create webpages--html, css With websites like Wix this is no longer necessary.
  29. Participate in a play at the local community theater (this could just be helping with costumes or sets--bonus if it's Into The Woods)
  30. Take my kids to see a play on Broadway (not picky about which one) 
  31. Learn how not to yell at my kids--I've done a great job with this one. In fact I don't think I've really yelled at them in almost three years. They're older and we just have fun together now. It's wonderful! 
  32. Take the whole family on a cruise (snorkeling!)--CHECK (September 2016, 2018, Dec 2019, Planned Alaska May 2023)
  33. Learn how to scuba dive (because I want to, and so my hubby can swim with sharks)
  34. Update my grandmother's genealogy book that I put together 10 years ago. (lots of births, deaths, marriages and divorces to record!)
  35. Convert front room into a guest room or a really kick butt craft room (depends on what we need the most)--Revised to update Master Bath--Check 2018 (I also have a nice craft room in my sunroom now, so double check!)
  36. Run in a Ragnar
  37. Take a physics class
  38. Take a self-defense class
  39. Create an email list that my readers can join to get insider information--CHECK
  40. Start my own Science Fiction Short Story contest for High School students--CHECK
  41. Compile a yearly anthology from the SF/F contest--CHECK
  42. Learn to draw
  43. Turn The Magic Wakes into a graphic novel--as of Dec 2021 this is in the works!
  44. Attend DragonCon as a vendor
  45. 14 day European cruise--postponed from June 2020 to April 2021 to May 2022 
  46. Write a short story that is accepted by a SFFWA venue
  47. Build up our savings so we can serve a mission one day
  48. Participate in at least one Skype bookgroup that read one of my books--I attended a local library book group that read The Magic Wakes instead. CHECK
  49. Donate to a local pet shelter (time or money)
  50. Pull off a "Homemade Only" Christmas (I think this would be a great experience in perspective for my family)


  1. 49. Donate to an animal rescue or volunteer at an animal shelter
    50. Make a homemade gift for someone

    1. Both of those are great ideas and doable! Perfect, thanks!


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